Mom and Dad got here last THrusday evening and we had a good visit with them. Rachel was sick on Friday so Zoompa and John Michael got to go to the Xango museum together and then of course a trip to Cabella's. THey had a great time.
On Saturday we got to go out to Antelope Island out in the middle of the Great Salt Lake. Very fun and really neat except for the huge spiders, UGHHHHHHH! If you are ever here and want to go out it is well worth it just remeber to reaply your sunscreen, OUCH!!
We took a lazy Sunday drive up into the Mountains and then took the back way into Park City. Really a good time and we got a cute family pic out of it!
Monday we went to Temple Square and walked around taking some really neat pictures. We also took the kids to Nickle Mania (nickle arcade) and mom and I went to a bead store.
We said good bye to tehm and Happy Birthday to mom today and the kids were sad to see them go.