So my hubby made me a mantle. I had made the fake fireplace for my classroom at school and he saw it and told me to bring it home and put it up and we would hang the stockings on it. So I brought home and we put it up and he measured it and went to Home Depot and got the wood. Friday night he brought it home and we placed it on the wall and he decided it needed to be stained so we went to Home Depot again on Saturday and got the stain. He has worked on it all weekend and this is my finished product. It is so pretty and I think it is one of the best CHristmas presents. He is soooo sweet!!!!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
My Mantle
So my hubby made me a mantle. I had made the fake fireplace for my classroom at school and he saw it and told me to bring it home and put it up and we would hang the stockings on it. So I brought home and we put it up and he measured it and went to Home Depot and got the wood. Friday night he brought it home and we placed it on the wall and he decided it needed to be stained so we went to Home Depot again on Saturday and got the stain. He has worked on it all weekend and this is my finished product. It is so pretty and I think it is one of the best CHristmas presents. He is soooo sweet!!!!!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Christmas Tree
We put up the christmas tree last weekend and the kids had a lot of fun with it. John Michael got to put the first ornament on and then Rachel. Rob decided that Rachel needed to be the one to put the angel on so he lifted her and she did. She says she is the pretiest princess ever. John Michael would only let me get his picture while he was playing with the switch for the tree.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
I am such a nerd I totally forgot about Thanksgiving. We had a really fun day. We decided that it is not written anywhere that you can't go out to eat on Thanksgiving and since I had done my cooking duties for the daycare Thanksgiving we went out. We went to Golden COrral and had a great family day. We came home and watched the COwboys stomp to victory. I even got out that night for the first of crazy shopping that night! Only because it was a cant pass up sale. Hope your days were good!!!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Black Friday
So I have to admit I have never been a "Black Friday" SHopper. I went last year for one thing and that was it. So yesterday we got the paper and decided to take a look to see if we could find any good deals. I did. So this morning I awoke at 3:30 to get moving. THe first deal was at Target so I pulled into the parking lot at 4:10. To my suprise there was already a line. So I stood in line for 2 hours waiting to get in. There were a lot of people who did the same thing. I have to say the ladies around me were quite nice to talk with and we all shared in the disgust of people who rtied to merge in the line 10 minutes before opening to which the wonderful security promptly kicked them out and told them to go back to the back! Yeah thank you Target!!!! I went in and got what i needed and was done in 15 minutes! I have to say I feel very accomplished for what I got at the prices I got them at Now I just need a nap!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
So I know it sounds funny to ask for a prayer for work but I was hoping you could all help.. The state of Utah has offered a $3,000 grant for my classsroom to update and upgrade some things. The application is due by 6 pm tonight. I am not trying to be greedy but there are so many very educational toys for my room that are needed and without this will never be purchased. Just pray that the grant can go through and they will choose our application!!!!!!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
You have to see this!¤t=thelordsprayer.flv
go look at this! It is our associatte ministers daughter Eliana reciting th eLords Prayer. She is just too cute!!
go look at this! It is our associatte ministers daughter Eliana reciting th eLords Prayer. She is just too cute!!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Please Pray!
For my parents. For my mom for helping to deal with my grandfather as he slips further into his dimentia and being the constant doctor taxi and translator. For my dad for watching his brilliant father slip away. And for both of them because through all of this my brother is in Iraq serving his second tour with the marines.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Crazy Days
Rachel has officially been in underwear for about 2 weeks now and doing really well. Only a couple of accidents that probably could have been other peoples fault not hers.
John Michael had his parent teacher conference this week and he is doing well except for his handwriting. Yes mother I know, he comes by that one honestly. He is doing very well in everything else. We also found out this week that he has a cvity that will have to be looked at on Tuesday.
Rob is really busy with all the fall leagues going on. He is having a much better time with management now.
I am doing fine. Work is up and down as I have said in previous posts when you work with a bunch of women drama can ensue!
John Michael had his parent teacher conference this week and he is doing well except for his handwriting. Yes mother I know, he comes by that one honestly. He is doing very well in everything else. We also found out this week that he has a cvity that will have to be looked at on Tuesday.
Rob is really busy with all the fall leagues going on. He is having a much better time with management now.
I am doing fine. Work is up and down as I have said in previous posts when you work with a bunch of women drama can ensue!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
For those of you who don't know....
Texas Tech beat number 1 Texas in Lubbock last night! WOW what a game!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
She is growing up way too fast for me!!
SO Rachel has had 3 days this week in big girl underwear and only had 1 sort of accident. We also last night took down the side rail on her crib which makes it into a toddler bed. She slept very well and is just making mommy so proud and sad.
So this is for Bekki. She has been doing a picture tag where you go tot he sixth picture file and then get the sixth picture. This is mine. Last year John Michaels class at school had their program at the end of the year and there.s was a western. They had these wanted posters up all over the school for all of the kids.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Rachels Birthday
So Today was Rachels Birthday party. We decided to kind of follow tradition and go bowling. She had 2 little friends form daycare come, Brooklyn and COnnor, and Gordon (Brandon and Katie). She of course had a princess cake. She got lots of fun gifts and was very excited to spend the day with ehr friends.
She had such a great time and had to show off what she got. WHen we got home there was a box form Zoompa and Tutu waiting for her with her Tutu blanket inside and a very cute dress. THanks to everyone who sent or gave her a gift. SHe had a great day and wonderful Birthday all around.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
My Baby is Turning 3
Rachel will be turning 3 next Friday the 17th. It is almost kin dof sad to see her growing so quickly. She is doing really well. She loves her daycare and all her friends. She is even almost completely potty trained. I guess I am the typical mom in that it makes me sad each birthday they go through but also excited to see what the new year wil bring for them. She is growing so fast and is really excited. SHe is so big.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Please Pray!
My beother is being sent on his second Deployment to Iraq this saturday. Please pray for my family and his new wife as she will be living with my parents whiel he is gone.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Our Family Day
I just had to share
My aunt is so lucky! A couple years ago she got involved with Teaching abroad. She taught in Eek, Alaska for the first 2 years adn now is Leysin, Switzerland. She sent this video of teh cows descending into the valley for the winter. So cool. The picture is her view from the balcony at the school where she is staying such a lucky woman. and so FABULOUS!!!!!!!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
My flowers!!
I just wanted to share how pretty the rose bush is this year!!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Knitters Treasure Swap Questionaire
Ravelry name rautis2
Favourite color blue, red, purple, or pink
Favourite color mix any
Favourite animal Polar Bear
Favourite knitting project anything
Knitting project you hate I am a bonefied memebr of the one sock club
Favourite magazines anything knitting and Rachael Ray
Favourite books I like a lot of them
Something you collect Polar Bears or Penguins
Something that you always use yarn and needles
Something that you never use stitch markers
Crafts that you make knitted stuff or stuff for my classroom
Hobby knitting, reading, and making lego jewelry
Favourite symbols, shapes, icons, etc hearts, flowers
Favourite accessories earrings and necklaces
Favourites flavors chocolate, coffee, and vanilla
Favourites smells cookies baking, clean babies, and my kids
Favourite yarn fiber any
Something that makes you smile my kids and surprises
Something that makes you cry (sad) thinking about my grandma
Allergies none
Favourite drinks coffee, tea, and coke
Things that you would like to receive and you can’t find in your region. anything really
10 things you love my kids, my hubby, my job, my house, my dog, my knitting, reading a book, a quiet moment, the smell of rain, and beauty
Something that your partner might know… (feel free to express) I love knitting and making lego jewelry
Ravelry name rautis2
Favourite color blue, red, purple, or pink
Favourite color mix any
Favourite animal Polar Bear
Favourite knitting project anything
Knitting project you hate I am a bonefied memebr of the one sock club
Favourite magazines anything knitting and Rachael Ray
Favourite books I like a lot of them
Something you collect Polar Bears or Penguins
Something that you always use yarn and needles
Something that you never use stitch markers
Crafts that you make knitted stuff or stuff for my classroom
Hobby knitting, reading, and making lego jewelry
Favourite symbols, shapes, icons, etc hearts, flowers
Favourite accessories earrings and necklaces
Favourites flavors chocolate, coffee, and vanilla
Favourites smells cookies baking, clean babies, and my kids
Favourite yarn fiber any
Something that makes you smile my kids and surprises
Something that makes you cry (sad) thinking about my grandma
Allergies none
Favourite drinks coffee, tea, and coke
Things that you would like to receive and you can’t find in your region. anything really
10 things you love my kids, my hubby, my job, my house, my dog, my knitting, reading a book, a quiet moment, the smell of rain, and beauty
Something that your partner might know… (feel free to express) I love knitting and making lego jewelry
Saturday, September 13, 2008
The Women
If you have not seen this movie and you like a good chic flick you need to go. A group of us got together today and went. We had lunch before at Rumbi Island Grill(highly recomended) and then went to see the movie. Very cute and one of those movies that when watched with someone that you don't want to see you cry could cause the ugly cry.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Long Week
Rob has still been resting this weeek and trying to get his foot back to normal. He is still having problems putting pressure on it but seems to be making progress. He is going back to work on Tuesday for the shear fact that he is done being on teh couch and can't take too much more.
More Spoiling
Monday, August 25, 2008
I got a job
I got a job at Destinations CHildcare Center just down the street from the house. I start work tomorrow. Rachel is going to be in the big girl class ( the 3 year old room) and I will be teaching the 2 year olds. John Michael will only be there for about 2 hours everyday after school. I will still get to drop him off at school each morning. Way excited and I will post more tomorrow after the first day.
Broke Foot!
So Rob fell off of a ladder on Friday and has been icing and elevating his foot all weekend. We finally got him in to the ER today and they said he has a sprined ankle and a broken meta-tarsle. He will be in a walking boot for a while to try and get back to normal.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Legoville on my dinning room floor!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
A blankie for Hank
So my brother and his wife are not going to be having children for a while due to his deployment to Iraq and finishing his service to the Marines. So the other day they got themsleves a puppy. His name is Hank and as I told my bro since I wont have a niece or nephew to spoil for a while I am gonna spoil Hank. So I made hima little blankie to wrap up in. It is a very wonderful periwinkle blue and dark chocolate brown.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Shaking booty!
Ok so Rachel has just been hilarious the last few days, SHe has been randomly dancing to any music. It has been hilarious. Last night as we were watching the opening cermeonies for the Olympics she was going nuts with it.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Some new pics of the kids
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Zoompa and Tutu gone
Bummer! The kids were bummed out when we had to take Zoompa and Tutu to the airport this morning. THey both ahad fun with them here and it was nice to have moms brain around for all the stuff with the surgery. SHe was soo good and cooked a lot for us whiel they were here. Rachel doesn't even seem like she had surgery at all. She is running around and playinga nd just havinga grand old time. Thanks mom and dad for being here. we needed it and the kids enjoyed it so much!!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
SHe's home
we are finally home from the hospital. Everything went well. The surgeon thinks that due to the color of the stones and size that they were caused by the jaundice she had as a baby. She has bounced back very well. She is already playing and having a good time with mom and dad. Thanks for all of your prayers and concerns. We appreciatte it.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Prayer from a mommy's shaking heart!
I am writing this today not because I am afraid but because my heart is doubting. I ask you to give me strength as each day passes getting closer tot he surgery. I know that Doctors will be wonderful and that you will come through this very well. God I ask that you hold my hand. I am not feeling so strong in your walk and I need you to carry me. Watch over my John Micahel as he worries about his little sister that he will enjoy his time with Zoompa and not fret. Hold my Rob and give him the strength for both of us. I also ask that you keep Elise hoopers friend in your hands as she is waiting to see if her little baby is coming home to you or staying to grace her mom and dad with her presence. Thank you so much for being an awesome and mighty God and thank you so much for everything that you do for me on a daily basis. AMEN
Monday, July 28, 2008
Update on Rachel #3
I just spoke to the surgical team and Rachel will be having surgery on Monday AUgust 4th. We donn't know what time yet but it will be in the morning.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Up date on Rachel #2
She will have to have surgery. DOn't know when yet but I will post more when I know.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Busy week and it's not over yet!
Just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone that called or sent cards or gifts for Robs birthday Tuesday. He is shrugging it off like it is nothing but he doesn't want next years to come. the big 40. He a little nervous!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Update on Rachel
So as many of you may or may not know last summer Rachel had to go to the hospital for dehydration from a stomach bug. While in the hospital they discovered that she had gall stones. So Sunday she started throwing up and complaining of pains. I took her to see teh doctor and he thought it was a bladder infection. Negative for that and then she threw up again yesterday. After some research the doc decided it was time to go back to Primary Childrens and se the surgery team she had seen last summer. We did today and they have decided to do an ultrasound on friday to determine whether or not she needs to have her gall bladder removed. Please pray for this one! Thanks!!!!!!
Friday, July 18, 2008
WOW I need a time out!
Have you ever seen the Ikea commercial where the mom says somebody needs a time out and she goes to her room. I need to be that Mom right now. I love my kids but wow something has got them on the wild today. I NEED A STARBUCKS!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Selling my lego jewelry.
On Sunday I put some of the lego jewelry up on Ebay to sell. We will see how it goes I didn't put any pink and those seem to be the color that sells the best. Wish me luck and we will know next Sunday if they sold or not!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
My monster
Our 4th!
So we had a blast on the 4th. Rob had to work and we normally go up to the park and ride and watch a lot of different displays form there but this year we got our own and did them in the street in front of our neighbors house! It was a lot of fun and the kids enjoyed it. We then went up on Saturday and spent the day at Lirror Lake with Jeremy and his famliy and brandon and his family. It was a lot of fun and we have decide that now we need a camper so we can go too. ANd also better bug spray!
Monday, June 30, 2008
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